What's New for the 6th Cycle Housing Element?
Updates to the 6th Cycle Housing Element will be posted on this page as we move forward in the planning process. On December 14, 2022 the City of Belvedere Planning Commission held a meeting to review and discuss changes to the draft Housing Element inclusive of public comments. The meeting resulted in the Planning Commission recommending that Council adopt the draft Housing Element.
Since the new year, the City of Belvedere City Council held a meeting on January 9, 2023 to review a Council draft of the Housing Element, which resulted in minor revisions. City staff and the housing element consultant have prepared a revised document inclusive of council members' edits, which was presented and adopted at the January 24, 2023 City Council meeting. The adopted Draft Housing Element is now available to the public as of January 24, 2023.
City of Belvedere Adopted Draft Housing Element
As of January 31, 2023 the City of Belvedere Adopted Draft Housing Element has been submitted to HCD for its preliminary review.
On May 1, 2023, the City received HCD’s findings/comment letter on the City's Housing Element, as adopted on January 24, 2023, and submitted to HCD on January 31, 2023.
Next steps include review of HCD's findings/comment letter and revisions as necessary in order to receive a ready to certify housing element. Prior to resubmitting to HCD, a revised housing element will be posted for seven days to the public.
This webpage is where we will keep you up to date on how your voices have impacted this process, and about opportunities to stay engaged with the process. Community feedback is encouraged to inform decision-makers of your response to these draft changes.
We heard you! Public comments have guided our revised Draft Housing Element Update for the Planning Commission review. Major changes between the prior Public Draft and the Planning Commission Draft:
New Policies and Implementation Programs
Policies establish aspirations towards goals, and programs describe the way in which the policy may be implemented.
- Adopt an inclusionary housing ordinance
- Adopt an ordinance to integrate state laws: AB 2011, SB 10, and SB 330
- Further incentivize ADU construction and provide amnesty
- Minimize displacement effects with a Relocation Partnership Program
- Update the Objective Design and Development Standards (ODDS) to better align with existing density allowances.
Prohousing Community Options
Consider exploring options to prepare Belvedere for a 7th Cycle application to the state’s new Prohousing Community program. This program can be understood as clear guidance from HCD for how to thoughtfully overcome constraints to housing construction. Belvedere’s housing policy decisions may be weighed according to this guidance for greater confidence in continued compliance with housing law.
Also, the evolution of this new HCD program will likely include future opportunities to increase affordability ratios with housing construction. Why not be positioned well when and if a future funding opportunity presents itself to support affordable unit construction and/or transportation improvements beneficial for mitigating impacts of additional units?
Up to 19 possible points towards Prohousing Community designation have been discovered among current and proposed Programs, in addition to continuation of existing procedures.
The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) requires a 30-point minimum for participation in this program. When sharing your thoughts about potential programs, please know that HCD requires a minimum of one item per category.
Similar to the tools that were available for comments on the initial Public Draft, you can share your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions through these interactive tools. In each section below, you will have an opportunity to make comments about Policies, indicate your support or opposition to each Implementation Program and vote for Prohousing Options.
None of the survey questions are required. If you want to skip a program response prompt, just “save & continue” with blank answers to move to the next.
You will be asked to enter a screen name and email address, which will only be used to ensure a fair process. Your information will be kept private and if you'd like to complete these activities anonymously, please enter "Anonymous" as a screen name.