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Category 1: Favorable Zoning and Land Use


Prohousing Category 1A:
Sufficient sites, including rezoning, to accommodate 150 percent or greater of the current or draft RHNA, whichever is greater, by total or income category.


Prohousing Category 1B:
Permitting duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes by right in existing low-density, single-family residential zones.

See: SB-9 Ordinance (Belvedere Municipal Code, Chapters 18.27 Urban Lot Splits and Chapters 19.77 Two Lot Developments.) (in process for Council amendment adoption)

Prohousing Category 1C:
Sufficient sites, including rezoning, to accommodate 125 to 149 percent of the current or draft RHNA, whichever is greater, by total or income category. These points shall not be awarded if the applicant earns three points pursuant to Category (1) above.

See: current proposal at 140% of RHNA (HEU)

Prohousing Category 1D:
Density bonus programs which exceed statutory requirements by 10 percent or more.


Prohousing Category 1E:
Increasing allowable density in low-density, single-family residential areas beyond the requirements of state Accessory Dwelling Unit law (e.g., permitting more than one ADU or JADU per single-family lot). These policies shall be separate from any qualifying policies under Category (1)(B) above.

See: Program 3.16 SB-10 Ordinance Adoption

Prohousing Category 1F:
Reducing or eliminating parking requirements for residential development as authorized by Government Code sections 65852.2; adopting vehicular parking ratios that are less than the relevant ratio thresholds at subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of Government Code section 65915, subdivision (p)(1); or adopting maximum parking requirements at or less than ratios pursuant to Government Code section 65915, subdivision (p).


Prohousing Category 1G:
Zoning to allow for residential or mixed uses in one or more non-residential zones (e.g., commercial, light industrial). Qualifying non-residential zones do not include open space or substantially similar zones.

See: Program 3.11 Amend Zoning to Reflect AB 2011 (HEU)

Prohousing Category 1H:
Modification of development standards and other applicable zoning provisions to promote greater development intensity. Potential areas of focus include floor area ratio; height limits; minimum lot or unit sizes; setbacks; and allowable dwelling units per acre. These policies must be separate from any qualifying policies under Category (2) above.

See: Program 3.12 Objective Design and Development Standards (existing, with proposed amendments with HEU)

Prohousing Category 1I:
Establishment of a Workforce Housing Opportunity Zone, as defined in Government Code section 65620, or a housing sustainability district, as defined in Government Code section 66200.


Prohousing Category 1J:
Demonstrating other zoning and land use actions that measurably support the Acceleration of Housing Production.

See: X2) Program3.14 Unpermitted Dwelling Unit Amnesty Program & Program3.17 Remove Single-Family as an Allowed Use within R-2, R-3, and R-3C Zones (HEU)