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Category 4: Providing Financial Subsidies


Prohousing Category 4A:

Establishment of local housing trust funds or collaboration on a regional housing trust fund.

See: Program 3.13 Inclusionary Housing

Prohousing Category 4B:
Provide grants or low-interest loans for ADU/JADU construction affordable to lower- and moderate-income households.


Prohousing Category 4C:
A comprehensive program that complies with the Surplus Land Act (Gov. Code, ยง 54220 et seq.) and that makes publicly owned land available for affordable housing, or for multifamily housing projects with the highest feasible percentage of units affordable to lower income households. A qualifying program may utilize mechanisms such as land donations, land sales with significant write-downs, or below-market land leases.


Prohousing Category 4D:
Establishment of an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District or similar local financing tool that, to the extent feasible, directly supports housing developments in an area where at least 20 percent of the residences will be affordable to lower income households.


Prohousing Category 4E:
Directed residual redevelopment funds to affordable housing.


Prohousing Category 4F:
Development and regular (at least biennial) use of a housing subsidy pool, local or regional trust fund, or other similar funding source.

See: Program 3.6 Establish an Affordable Housing Fee

Prohousing Category 4G:
Prioritization of local general funds for affordable housing.


Prohousing Category 4H:
Demonstration of other actions, not listed above, that quantifiably promote, develop, or leverage financial resources for housing.

See: Program 3.4 Public Education and Financial Assistance for ADUs & Program 3.7 Participate in Marin County PLHA & Program 3.8 Seek Federal and State Funds for Qualifying Development Projects